" O, o, o...." The father was trying hard to make his baby sleep on his lap. The scenario made me passionate as I had the same feelings 5 years before . The kid was still crying....I shut the back window , pulled the curtains on and returned to my bed. I sighed for a while...."These people are really poor! They don't have any place to live but to occupy other's under-constructed-building for a time being; and one day they will be driven away.......!"
Shhh......with the whirling sound of wind, I got up in the dead of night at 01:30 a.m., there was a haboob (sand storm) going on out side my house. The whole house seemed to be blown away within a moment. Sand with pebbles were scratching away our window glasses, debris were flying around with immense dust...the electricity went out immediately. I jumped out from my bed. There was a hew and cry going on in the nearby houses specially from the tin-shed houses. I stood before my back window, in order to figure out what exactly was going on there at the back of my hired house. I could see nothing but to hear the crying of innocents. I returned to my bed obsessed with thinking,"What will happen to my poor back door neighbour...?"
"Ummu?" younger kid cried out with fear.The mother was almost lifeless to see the severity of storm. She immediately embraced the younger while holding the youngest in the lap. The father was managing the ragged curtain to protect them from speedy sand. "Ah...!" a flying debris just hit the mother's head pushing her aside with daughters. The sound of his falling wife was immediately buried under the sound of the storm. By that time the small kid crept out from her lap and started crawling over the blood of mother in dark. The baby cried out loudly...
The father was still fighting with sandy storm. He could not even imagined her wife being perished away by that time! The younger one was still hiding at her mother's back and peeping out frequently with fear. Suddenly, the father could see a black flying object drawing nearer very fast. Fearing imminent adversary he left the fence at once and started running desperately for his family. But this time the debris hit the baby on floor before his father could reach him. The small body cramped to death immediately. It was just a nightmare for him....he started searching blindly his wife, baby in the dark. The habob took all his lovers away! The father cried out to the sky with cold blood in hands, "Yeah Allah....."
I jumped out from my bed sweating; by then the morning light was playing with the floor. With a subtle steps, I approached to the back window again remembering the legacy of my dream ...
" O, o, o...." The father was swinging the youngest child on his lap while the rest of his family members fell asleep!
I closed my eyes once again with my whole heart contented!
A dreadful dream! I hope it will never happen anywhere in the world.