"The prices of most of the foodstuffs have already been increased a lot before the Ramadan begins...." the news bar crawls at the bottom of TV screen. I can not figure out why it takes place always right before Ramadan....while claiming ourselves to be true Muslims!
"Babul, have the prices of commodities been increased here?" I inquired our Bangladeshi maid servant working in Sudan.
"No, sir. They don't do that here! You know, my Sudanese boss gave us a lot of food stuffs for this Ramadan." He explained with satisfaction.
I looked at the TV again, people are blaming merchants, government's poor policies etc; on the other hand, the representative from the merchants group are telling different stories narrating all business rules i.e. price increases when demand increases, higher cost for imported foodstuffs and many more.
But what I know as a plain Muslim, Ramadan is for "Self-restraint" which generates from Taqwa(a state of the heart that motivates virtuous conduct and prevents evil action). Combining both fear of Allah and love for Allah lead to Taqwa. So in that case whom do I blame for price hike?
Again fasting in Islam generates various character building factors like obedience to Allah, patience, responsibility as a Muslim to others specially to the poor, self-control and self discipline, purification of soul, afterlife accountability etc. If it is so, did we learn any thing last year Ramadan? Who is to be blamed for?
Is it I? Or you? Or WE?
Do our education system teaches our children to be good human before to be good Muslim? Have you ever heard in any Friday prayers where our religious teachers or moulobhies like to preach, "It is sin to adulterate the food, deceiving by giving less weight, going for price hike unnecessary....?" Have you seen how confusions about religion are infused by our medias without consulting within themselves?
Every where there are something missing in our day to day life! In the holy Quran and hadiths of our prophet Mohammad (pbuh), there are numerous instances where it has been instructed to refrain us from hurting or paining in any form to our neighbours, our other Muslim brothers . Are they not enough for us? We eager to look west to copy or carry out the bad things leaving their good ones which are already there in our holy scriptures 1400 years before!
Hence it is to be WE who should be put into trail, not the above parties alone. Because our shallow knowledge as well as less interest on Islam have made this thing so easy for us to do.
I was pondering all those within myself. I sighed for a while....when I see same drama is being played some other Muslim countries too!